Must-Know Bathroom Hacks Everyone Should Have in Their Arsenal

Essentially no one enjoys cleaning their bathroom. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. If you dread and procrastinate when it comes to cleaning the bathrooms in your home, just take a look at these effective hacks that will make the job quicker and easier for you.

1. Chrome Fixtures

If you have chrome fixtures in your bathroom, you’ve probably noticed that they regularly become stained with old water marks. To make your fixtures sparkle, spray them with a solution made from equal parts vinegar and water, then wipe them down.

2. Toilet Brush

To keep your toilet brush clean and smelling fresh, simply add a bit of Pine-Sol or another household cleaner to your toilet brush holder. Easy as pie!

3. Clogged Shower Head

If your shower head seems to be clogged, simply fill a plastic bag with vinegar, then attach the plastic bag to your shower head using string or an elastic. Let the bag sit overnight, and the shower head will be running like normal when you go to remove it.

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