How to peel an egg in less than 10 seconds: the incredible tip to try!


We love hard-boiled eggs… to eat them, but certainly not to peel them (the exact term is “peel” by the way, knock!). Logic: peeling a hard-boiled egg takes a long time, it’s painful, and when you don’t get burned, you forget little pieces of shell that will crunch under your teeth, yuck! Well, that was before CuisineAZ found a revolutionary tip to manage to peel a hard-boiled egg in less than 20 seconds flat, and without even having to touch it!
Peel a hard-boiled egg without touching it, and in less than 20 seconds? It's possible !
The egg is a food  rich in proteins  (nutrients essential for building and maintaining muscles, tissues, organs), essential amino acids, vitamins (A, E, B1, B2), and minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus)! In short, on a daily basis, it is an incredible health and fitness ally, which should not be missed on the menu.continued on next page



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